¡¡¡Aporte LG K371 Unlock - Liberacion By Octopus!!!

Iniciado por Jaqen H'ghar, Septiembre 30, 2018, 10:55:15 AM

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Jaqen H'ghar

1.- Activar OEM y depuración USB.
2.- Conectar el equipo y elegir en modo de conexión MTP.
3.- Abrir la aplicación teléfono y teclear *#546368#*371#.
4.- Seleccionar svc menú, luego port check test y ponerlo en enable.
5.- Abrir Octopus y elegir el modelo y dar Unlock.

CitarWelcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.8.8
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM954
Selected model: K371

Reading info...
Model ID: LG-K371
IMEI: ***************
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 82%
SW Version: K37120m
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Jul 12 2017
Firmware compiled time: 23:00:00
Firmware released date: Nov 15 2017
Firmware released time: 18:44:13
SW Version: MPSS.JO.2.0.c1.2-00020-8909_GEN_PACK-1.90266.1.93441.1.106743.1
IMEI: ***************
SPC: 000000
Reading QCN...
Send SPC...OK
Reading Mobile Property...OK
Reading Feature Mask...OK
Reading Roaming List 0...OK
Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Reading NV Items...OK
Reading EFS...OK
Reading Provisioning Items...OK
Reading QCN done!
Backup saved to "K371_***************_30-09-2018_10-39-28.qcn"
Switching to Download mode...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
LAF Error: 80000121.
Trying second method...
Trying third method...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "K371_***************_30-09-2018_10-45-43.SEC"
Writing security area...OK
Switching to Normal mode...
Found model LGK371AT*   ÿh   `¨ at port COM954
Send SPC...OK
Writing QCN...
Writing NV_Numbered Items...OK
Writing NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Writing NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Writing QCN done!
Phone successfully unlocked!
Rebooting phone...
Performed by 2.8.8 Software version.[

Jaqen H'ghar