¡¡¡Aporte Unlock - Liberacion Hisense L675 by Octoplus!!!

Iniciado por Jaqen H'ghar, Marzo 01, 2020, 11:26:57 AM

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Jaqen H'ghar

1.- Activar OEM y depuración USB.
2.- Abrir Octoplus y elegir el modelo X240.
3.- Dar Unlock y esperar a que pida que conecten el equipo.
4.- Lo conectan y esperan.

PD: Les marcará errores pero al terminar estará liberado por completo.

CitarWelcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.9.6
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM3
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: X240
Selected USB connection type
Press and hold "Vol-" and connect cable.OK
Phone found.
CPU name: MT6737M
CPU revision: 8A00.CB00.0000.0000
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...
Detecting flash chip...OK
Detecting EMMC flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI A: ***************
IMEI B: ***************
Bluetooth address: 1C:7B:23:7C:87:E3
Wi-Fi MAC address: 1C:7B:23:7C:87:E4
EMMC rpmb size: 0 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
EMMC user area size: 7456 Mb
Step 1/2...
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "X240_***************_01-03-2020_11-08-10.EEP"
Analyzing security...Failed!
Error code: DCASVASCSD
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "X240_***************_01-03-2020_11-08-12.EEP"
Analyzing security...Failed!
Error code: DCASVASCSD
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "X240_***************_01-03-2020_11-08-14.EEP"
Analyzing security...Failed!
Error code: DCASVASCSD
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "X240_***************_01-03-2020_11-08-16.EEP"
Analyzing security...OK
Writing security area...OK
Step 2/2...
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "X240_***************_01-03-2020_11-08-21.EEP"
Analyzing security...OK
Writing security area...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Performed by 2.9.6 Software version.

Jaqen H'ghar